Friday, December 05, 2008

The eagle eyed ones amongst you may have noticed that two of my albums of photographs have new addresses. 2008 Fiesta for San Joaquin and Moors and Christians Orihuela.

That is because they are now located on the Bigastro digital web server. Thanks to a lot of hard work and patience from Germán Martín at the Ayuntamiento, I got it all working at last.

I had to register a another new domain though because BritishNIC were just not answering my requests for help and was just not working.

So I signed up with Loading , A Spanish company based in Orihuela.  Not only were they cheaper than BritishNIC , they set up the DNS redirections straight away. In less than 24 hours I was up and running.

For those of you who want a smart .es domain, I can highly recommend them. Sign up and you can have your own personalised email address along with your own web site address. You can forget hard to remember email addresses like and move onto something more memorable and personal.

PS In answer to your question - no I do not get commission from Loading. I just appreciate good service when I receive it.

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