Thursday, June 11, 2015

A proposal

This morning I met up with a member of this year's Fiesta Commission. We chatted about the fiesta for San Joaquin this year and he told me that the commission are very keen to put on a programme that will be good for all members of the community; young, old, Spanish and British alike.

They are aware that we are, to some extent, left out and want to put that right.To this end, they have been discussing the possibility of a special event for the British community and wondered what we would appreciate. The suggestion made was for a special meal during the week for us - either in the park or one of the streets but not at Villas Andrea because the idea is to integrate the British community more fully into the Fiesta.

I was asked to sound the idea out with my neighbours and let the Commission know how we felt. The food could be either British or Spanish, that would be up to us to decide.

For my part, I think it is an excellent suggestion that we should consider but please let me know your thoughts by popping around to my house, putting a note in my buzon or by emailing me at,

NB I will need to let them know pretty soon so they can incorporate it into the programme and of course the book that will be published.

Talking of the book, I pointed out that we are often missed out when it comes to receiving copies and was assured that this year someone will make a point of visiting Villas Andrea to pass them on and of course to receive voluntary donations.

When they come around we should remember that the Fiesta Commission receive only a small amount of money from the Town Hall and so rely upon donations to stage events during the week.   

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