Sunday, October 25, 2020

The new rules

* A curfew between midnight and six am. 

* Only groups of 6 can meet in any setting, private or public. 

* Gardens and parks will be open from 8am until 10pm. 

* You can only eat or drink at tables of up to 6 people in bars and restaurants. 

* The sale of alcohol is prohibited between 10pm and 8am except in hotels and restaurants. 

1 comment:

JOSE LUIS said...

Mis 2 webs (sin publicidad) pueden interesarle a usted: (MENOS es MEJOR) y, un manual para reforestar, casi sobre la marcha, sembrando semillas de árboles autóctonos en zonas deforestadas, baldías, más o menos cercanas al lugar de su recolección. Salud, José Luis