My friend, who everyone knows as FontaBigastro, has just posted his pictures from last year's fiesta. He is an excellent photographer and so I commented on just how good his photos were.
This is his reply on Facebook.
Muchas gracias por tus palabras amigo Keith Williamson, y muchas gracias por todo lo que haces, y como lo haces, por la pasión que pones en ello. Tu amigo mio no naciste aquí, pero hemos tenido la suerte de que elegías Bigastro para vivir, y así hemos tenido el honor de conocerte. Admirable como con tu cámara y con tus crónicas en tu blog ¡ ESTO ES JAUJA ! contribuyes a que Bigastro, tu Pueblo y el mio sea conocido a nivel internacional. Eres un ejemplo, y como no, sin lugar a dudas tu y Pam Williamson sois unos Bigastrenses de pura cepa.
Un abrazo.
Which roughly translated says:
Thank you very much for your words friend Keith Williamson, and thank you very much for everything you do and how you do it, for the passion you put into it. You are my friend and even though you were not born here we are fortunate that you chose Bigastro to live, and so we have the honour to meet you. Admirable as with your camera and your blog "THIS IS JAUJA! your contribution to your people and your town is known internationally. You are an example, and of course, no doubt you and Pam Williamson are pure strain Bigastrenses.
A hug.
You know that, even if Bigastro is not the smartest place, that is more than made up for by the people who live here.
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
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