Sunday, October 08, 2023

The sound of the Metro

 On the way out to Jacarilla is the Metro dance club. Although it is close to Bigastro, it is actually in Orihuela. 

When we say dance club, we're not talking ballroom or latin american dancing. This is full on hardcore dance music dominated by a heavy bass line. The kind my daughters used to love and listen to, the kind played all night in clubs in Ibiza. 

For some inexplicable reason, these dance clubs do not get into full swing until the time when many of us are thinking of going to bed and then continue until dawn when only milkmen and shift workers are about in the streets. 

If the wind is in the right (or more to the point wrong) direction, you can hear the music as far away as Villas Andrea where we live. No doubt you can hear it in the town whichever way the wind is blowing. 

Naturally, people complain that it is hard to sleep with that incessant beat going on. Actually, it is worse than that because at times the beat stops and you start to doze off only to be woken again a minute or so later by a return of the thump, thump, thump. 

You can call the police, but as I said, the club is officially in Orihuela so the local police here can do nothing. Probably, the police in Orihuela won't do anything either because the club has a license to play music and in any case it is too far from Orihuela for anyone there to be disturbed by the noise. 

No doubt the revelers go to bed afterwards and catch up on their sleep the next day but for some, they need to be up in the morning for work - bleary eyed and grumpy. 

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