This year's Feria de San Isidro has demonstrated clearly the risks that these people take entering into the ring with bulls that, in some cases, have exceeded 600kgs in weight.
On the 25th May, Carlos Escolar “Frascuelo” was very badly gored by the first bull of the evening and suffered facial injury as well as multiple tears in the muscles of his legs . This sixty year old was displaying great skill in the classical style of bullfighting when he misjudged the turn of the bull as it passed him.
PARTE MÉDICO: Dos heridas por asta de toro. Una en la cara posterior del tercio medio del muslo izquierdo con dos trayectorias, una hacia arriba de 20 cms. con sección del músculo bíceps femoral y otra hacia dentro de 15 cms. que alcanza el fémur y contusiona el paquete vásculonervioso. La otra herida en la cara interna del tercio superior del muslo derecho con una trayectoria hacia debajo de 20 cms. que causa destrozos en los músculos aductores. Herida contusa en la lengua. Pronóstico grave que le impide continuar la lidia.
Then last night, the banderillero Juan José Rueda “El Ruso”was gored in the anal region causing multiple damage. His condition is also described as grave.
We sincerely hope that both these people recover from their serious injuries. We doubt that we will be seeing them in the ring again.
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