Did the thunderstorm wake you up?
When the wind picked up yesterday afternoon we noticed that instead of coming from Orihuela, it was blowing up from the Vega Baja plain. That's a sure sign that Mary Poppins is due to arrive. It also means that the settled weather we've had for the last two weeks has come to an end.
En la primera mitad del día pueden registrarse precipitaciones débiles. Por la tarde se esperan precipitaciones débiles 12.5º/17.2º So weak rain both morning and afternoon.
En la primera mitad del día los cielos estarán cubiertos . Por la tarde se esperan chubascos moderados 9.8º/19.4º Settled in the morning with the possibility of a shower in the afternoon.
and it looks like the sun and showers could continue through Saturday and Sunday followed by dry but cloudy weather Monday and Tuesday.
We're taking some friends, who are here at the moment, with us on the school trip to Murcia on Saturday. When they asked me what should they bring, I replied "an umbrella" to which they laughed.
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