Wednesday, June 12, 2013

That’s just rubbish

For years we paid 50 euros via our water bill  for waste collection at Villas Andrea. We were told that the price was decided by dividing the cost of the service by the number of houses. With a change in council, the price was dropped to 35 euros, the same amount that the rest of the town pays. However, that could all change again.

It seems that the Vega Baja now has a Zonal Plan for waste collection and the company awarded the contract is the Joint Venture Cespa-Ortiz. In effect, the 27 councils that make up Waste Consortium XVII Zone will all pay the same fee which, for most, involves a sharp increase over previous arrangements. I imagine that the concept of negotiating a plan for all 27 municipalities was to reduce costs by applying greater bargaining power to the company involved. Clearly, that has not worked.

The increase will vary according to municipality. For example, Callosa de Segura currently pays 15 euros per ton for its rubbish collection. The new contract means they could be paying 49 euros per ton plus 8.63 euros to transport the rubbish to a new site at Cox. For other municipalities the increase will be lower but nether the less, all will end up paying more than at present.

To make matters worse, it is not yet certain that Cox has permission to construct a rubbish tip.

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