Friday, January 17, 2014

Take better photos

Buying a new camera can be both exciting and daunting. Even basic compact cameras these days have advanced facilities that enable you to take better photographs. Unfortunately, the manuals that come with these cameras rarely help. All they do is describe the various features of the camera without explaining how best to use them.

There is a company called Photogenics who can help though. They run courses at La Herradura Restaurant in Los Montesinos.

One such course will take place on Tuesday 28th January where they will explain how to use the facilities of a compact camera to achieve better photos. The course lasts from 10:30am to 4:30pm and costs 45 euros including a light lunch.

The company are also running a two day course entitled, ‘Know your camera – the basics’ on the 4th and 5th of February. During the course they will be explaining how best to use  aperture and shutter speed along with tips about composition.

Knowledge of the triangular relationship between aperture, shutter speed and ISO (film speed) is essential to your understanding of exposure. Once you understand that, knowing which of these three settings to adjust to get the effect you desire is the key to producing good photographs. When you have grasped all of this and moved on from the fully programmed setting of your camera to the more advanced modes, your pictures will start to become creative rather than just mere snapshots.

The third course, to be held on the 21st and 22nd of January  covers how to use Adobe Lightroom to enhance your photos. Software is provided, you just need to take your laptop with you.

More details of these courses can be seen on the website, or you can email them at

NB It is well worth going to the site even if you are not interested in the courses offered. You will find lots of informative articles and links to other useful sites.

You can enrol or contact them for more information via email or the website. Alternatively call David on  649613517.

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