Friday, November 16, 2007

A day for culture

Students from the adult classes, run by EPA in Bigastro, visited Orihuela yesterday to expand their cultural knowledge.

First stop was the Colegio San Domingo (on the Calle Adolfo Claravana) which dates back to the 16th century. This magnificent building houses both a school and a church with exquisite gilt and painted decoration.

The party then moved on to the fascinating casa-museo of Miguel Hernández at Calle Arriba 73.

Then they visited the gothic Cathedral which has its roots in the 13th century.

Finally the party saw the beautiful pasos, that are paraded at Easter, in the Museo de Semana Santa.

There was still more on the Paseo Cultural that they could have seen but time had run out:-

  • The 18th century Sactuario de Ntr. Sra. de Monserrate
  • The 14th /15th century Iglesia de Santiago Apostol
  • The 14th/15th century Iglesia Parroquial de Santas Justa y Rufina
  • The Museo de la Muralla situated in the University Miguel Hernández
  • The Palacio Episcopal started in the 16th century and later modified in the 18th century

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