Comunicado del Ayuntamiento de Bigastro
Queremos poner en conocimiento de los clientes de Metro Dance Club que el Ayuntamiento de Bigastro no tiene competencias para regular las actividades que se realizan en la Sala antes mencionada, siendo competente a estos efectos el Ayuntamiento de Orihuela y, por lo tanto queremos dejar claro que no hemos intervenido en los acontecimientos que se han ido produciendo desde el pasado lunes.
In other words; the Town Hall in Bigastro wants to make it clear to the clients of the Metro club that they had nothing to do with the events which have taken place since Monday. The decision to postpone the Anniversary event was taken by the Town Hall in Orihuela.
Although the club is situated near to Bigastro, it is in fact in the territory controlled by Orihuela and comes under their jurisdiction.
Bigastro has in fact hosted many events for clubbers both in the park and at the sports centre. Although we, of a certain age, may feel we need to have our beauty sleep undisturbed, the Town Hall recognises that young people have a right to their entertainment. Clearly they don't want to be seen as killjoys. Bigastro is, after all, a town which looks after young and old, firm and infirm in equal measures - egalitarian in the true sense of the word.
Hopefully, sufficient notice has been given to prevent people from making a wasted journey to the Metro. The last thing that Bigastro needs is hoards of angry clubbers taking it out on the town because they think we have spoilt their party.
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