For millions of Americans, Craig Newmark is a saint. Thanks to him and the Internet site that he founded in the middle of the nineties, Craigslist they have found work, apartments, houses, services, furniture etc. without paying a cent for advertising costs.
The site, which is manned by just 25 people, has around 25 million visitors each month viewing more than 7 billion pages. It is the seventh most visited site in the USA. " We are simply a great flea market, and our main interest has been to help people ", explains Newmark.
Craigslist has grown at an extraordinary rate (more than100% in the last two years). It is not difficult to understand why it is so successful and why people in 50 different countries love the site. There is no charge for placing an announcement on the list and anyone can visit it without the need for registration.
According to Fortune magazine, Craigslist receives an income of about 18 million euros per year which pays the wages of the 25 employees. In the world of the Interrnet, these people are working for peanuts. Analysts think that, if Craigslist inserted announcements of a line or two of text like those on Google, he could increase the income to 350 million euros. Clearly Newmark does not want to go down that road.
Give it a visit and see for yourself what ones man's vision can achieve. You will find a link for Spain on the right hand side of the opening page.
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