Monday, January 12, 2015

So glad I went

As I said yesterday, Pam and I had tickets for the concert at the Teatro Circo to see our band in concert. What a fabulous place it is.

The Circus Theatre was opened on May 22, 1892 in the city of Alicante, on the site now occupied by the Central Market (Plaza de Balmes).

The Teatro Circo Alicantino, as it was called, remained open until 1906. The following year it was dismantled and moved to Orihuela where it had been ever since. 

Acoustically, it is very different to the Auditorium in Bigastro. Even though the band played the same pieces as for the Christmas concert, they sounded different. Apart from the acoustics, there were a few band members who could not make it last night.

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For those who would like to hear the Christmas Concert, I have uploaded it to my Dropbox account.
Go to and download the 45Mb file to listen to just how good our band can play.

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