When Manuel Barrera was questioned on Monday about the 5,000€ bribe he'd supposedly accepted to favour certain constructors in the plans for La Cantera in San Fulgencio, the mayoress, Trinidad Martinez denied all knowledge of the golf course and other facilities included in the project.
It now appears that a video describing the plan in full had been distributed at tourism fairs in Madrid and London.
The mayoress claims that she had only seen parts of the video. She says it was solely the responsibility of Barrera who was acting without full authority of the city council.
The current Plan General de Ordenación Urbana (PGOU) for San Fulgencio, which was drawn up in 2006, includes 3.5 million square metres of land to be re-qualified as urbanizable for the construction of 15 - 20,000 houses. Among the projects included in the plan is the one for La Cantera.
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