Friday, October 17, 2008

Router problems

I've had this message from a resident here at Villas Andrea.

Hi Keith
I am a resident of Villas Andrea and an avid reader of your Blog, which I find very informative and most enjoyable.
I too took advantage of the recent Telefonica offer to upgrade ADSL from 3Mbs to 10Mbs. Within a few days the Comtrend CT5361 Router arrived by Courier, that was a couple of weeks ago and since then I have been trying to use it. Each time I try to connect, I end up with the same message, that my Laptop does not recognise the Router. I have tried all the diagnostics listed in the User Manual and the CD which came with the Router. I think it may have something to do with congiguring the Router but I am no expert. In view of your experience have you any suggestions

First of all thank you for your comment about my blog.

Now for the Comtrend router.

I take it that the Zyxel router you were originally supplied with worked fine and still does.

It should have been a simple case of swapping one router for the other and then waiting for Telefónica to upgrade your line. As you have gathered, the original router doesn't support ADSL 2+ which you need for your 10Mb upgrade.

With the Comtrend router connected to your laptop via your ethernet cable, type into your browser window (Internet Explorer, Firefox or whatever you use).


You should get a dialogue box like this one (this is in Internet Explorer). The default username and password are both 1234. Clicking on OK will then take you to the router setup.

If you can get this far, then your laptop is definitely connecting to the router.

If not and assuming your old router works fine, then it is possible that the new router is faulty. Let me know how you get on by emailing me directly at

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