Saturday, March 01, 2008

la Procesión del Encuentro

The procession of Encounter is one of the extended religious celebrations celebrated at dawn on Domingo de Passover here in Bigastro.

At 7:00 am the men will leave the church and process along Calle Mayor with the image of the Revived Christ and the women will process along Calle Purisima with the image of the Virgin Mother dressed in a black mantle as a sign of mourning for her son.

The men will turn up Calle del Maestro Grau whilst the ladies turn down the same street which will be adorned with the most beautiful flowers. As they approach the figures will be lowered several times until they come together. This is the moment of encounter when the Virgin Mary meets her resurrected son Jesus. Her black mantle will be removed and finally the two groups can process back to the church together.

The Encuentro will then be celebrated with a display of white fireworks.

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