Thursday, May 20, 2010

Better later than never


Normally the Romería to honour San Isidro, the patron saint of agriculturalists, would take place the second Saturday in May. For this year though, the date has been changed so that the two festivals (for Holy Cross and San Isidro) are not held one week after the other. 

Celebrations will start with Holy Mass in the Parroquia Ntra. Sra. de Belén in the town square at 10am. The statue of the saint will then be processed from the church up to the leisure zone at La Pedrera where it will stay for the day in the hermitage. San Isidro will hen return to the church in the evening.

In the past, there were barrels of beer and bidons of wine along with a grand paella to enjoy. In the present economic climate, we should expect a lot less than that. However, the party atmosphere will be just the same. It might be a good idea to take your own supplies with you or be prepared to buy them from the Restaurant La Pedrera (next to the swimming pool) which I am sure will be open.

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