Sunday, June 07, 2009

Almoradí on market day


We haven’t been to the market at Almoradí for some time. To be honest, this is only the second time we’ve been there. Now that we’ve been though, Pamela wants to return!

As markets go this one is big and busily, plenty of stalls, plenty of shoppers and plenty of places to stop for a drink.

Mostly the stalls are well organised but one or two look like jumble sales with items of clothing piled up on sale at a few Euros. There are obviously some great bargains in those piles but could you be bothered routing through to find them?

The food part of the market is perhaps the most interesting. That is where I found these smoked tuna on sale. I have to say they looked most unappetising but I dare say in the hands of some expert chef they will be turned into a delicious meal.


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