Friday, May 11, 2012

A no win situation

The price of fish on the quayside at Torrevieja very much depends on the quantity of the catches.

On Thursday morning, the fleet brought in nearly 19 thousand kilograms of blue fish, mainly boquerón (anchovies). When these fish are scarce, they can bring up to 80 Euros per box  of 12 kilos but on Thursday the price was between 10.70 and 11.40 Euros, less than a Euro per kilogram. There were also good catches of sardines which were sold at 40 Euros per box.

The problem for the fishermen is that there is no minimum price set for fish, it is all left to supply and demand. Either they catch very few fish and realise a good price per kilo or they bring in a bumper catch and get next to nothing – it is a no win situation. Of course the price in supermarkets is much higher than the price on the quayside.

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