OK so here are the photos from the Christmas concert for those who want copies. Again, they are not the full size originals but should be large enough to make normal size prints from.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Thank you Apple
I said before that we do not have access to British TV in Casa El Willo. That is not strictly true because we do have a subscription to the version of BBC iPlayer available on an Apple iPad in Spain. Although not the same as the one available in Britain (or to those who have a spoof IP address here in Spain), there is a lot of excellent content to be viewed.
Previously, we could only watch the programmes on the small iPad screen and listen through the small speakers. No more though because now we have a 3rd generation Apple TV which allows us to stream the content from the iPad to the TV in the lounge. Apple call it mirroring and it works just fine.
The diminutive box is connected to the TV with a HDMI cable and to our router via the household wiring and a pair of Home Plugs*. The iPad streams the content wirelessly to the router and from there to the TV – voila – a perfect picture and sound on the screen. Yesterday we watched the special concert for the Queen’s jubilee followed by the first part of Oliver Twist.
Although we can watch the programmes streamed directly, the picture does stutter slightly from time to time so we have found it is better to download the content to the iPad and then watch it from there. That way, both the sound and the picture are completely stutter free.
You may argue that we had to buy both an iPad and an Apple TV to achieve this. That is true - however, the cost was a lot less than a huge dish on the roof and the iPad is useful for so much more than watching BBC programmes. I already had the Home Plugs to connect our smart TV and digibox to the Internet anyway.
* I first of all connected both the iPad and Apple TV to our router via wireless N and that worked. However, the picture and sound would stutter occasionally which was distracting. Connecting the Apple TV by Ethernet (even using the electricity cabling in the house) solved that problem.
It is possible to connect an iPad to an Ethernet switch with an appropriate cable from Apple but that means tethering it which I don’t really want to do.
A picture I wish I’d taken
As a keen photographer, I am often impressed by the work of others. This is one of those pictures that I wish was mine but alas it was taken by David Ramos.
What makes this photo doubly interesting though is that it was taken in Ibi and shows a reveller taking part in the annual Els Enfarinats festival battle, which uses flour, eggs and firecrackers.
What can I say, Spaniards obviously love getting messy. We’ve read about the annual tomato throwing festival and now flour and eggs.
Great photo David, I hope your camera didn’t get too messy.
Tourist route for Vespas
Being inventive is the name of the game if you want to attract tourists to your town.
For yesterday, Orihuela organised a tourist route taking in three stops - at the church of Santas Justa y Rufina, in front of the church of Santiago Apóstol and at Santo Domingo.
This was not for people on foot though, the route was prepared for people on classic motor bikes and scooters and apparently over one hundred turned up to take part. There was even a guide in a sidecar to explain the three points of interest.
The town hall in Orihuela, fired by the success of the venture, promises more events like this. I hope they publicise them well to attract participants and spectators alike.
A couple of replies
I asked on this blog about where we could pass on donations to charity in Bigastro:
Sheila Rowlands replies-
Torrevieja Christian Fellowship collects for Reachout, the homeless in the area and HELP, for which I am a volunteer, also collects for the needy in the locality. If anyone has a problem passing on donations, I can take them to church any Sunday morning or pass on to HELP. CARITAS, as you have said, also is very happy to receive goodies.
Muchisimo gracias Sheila.
One of my Spanish readers Stephano also replied to my item about rising electricity prices:
Have you thought about charity shops ? I feel sorry for immigrants like you who move to our country and then they cannot afford to live. I know, as I also have no job. Let us hope that 2013 be better for you.
Thank you for that. As it happens, my wife and I are the lucky ones. We were both teachers in England before we retired to move to Spain, she was an infant teacher and I was an Assistant Headteacher in a secondary school so we both have pensions. In addition, we are both now over 65 and so receive state pensions from England as well.
However, I do feel sorry for those who moved to Spain without adequate provision and of course for those like Stephano who are out of work. As I have said, my wife and I are lucky to have never been in that situation.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Soloists and the children’s choir stole the show
The first part of last night’s Christmas concert featured solo performances. Mozart’s, Concert for horn showcased the prodigious talent of Emilio Bañuls Escobedo. Then we were treated to Burés, Gran Fantasia para dos clarinetes with Alejandro Guillén Alcocer and his brother, Germán Guillén Alcocer taking the lead parts.
To round off part one; Mister and Miss Music for 2012 took the floor to dance to Shostakovich, Jazz Suite number 2: waltz.
For the second part of the concert, the children’s choir joined the band. The band started with the medley of Christmas music arranged by Leroy Anderson. Then the children joined in with Arre Boorriquito followed by White Christmas, Silent Night and Campana Sobre Campana.
The evening was rounded off by everyone joining in by clapping along with the Radetzky March by Johann Strauss.
You can see my pictures from this gala of music for Christmas here.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
What to give
Those who wish to donate food to charity are advised that the contributions must be non-perishable.
Non-perishable foods are ‘shelf-stable’ items that do not spoil or decay. Please donate kindly from the suggested non-perishable suggestions below to help us provide a well-balanced, nutritious set of foods to those who do not have enough to eat.
Canned or dry fruits and vegetables in an array of colours will help ensure consumption of many vitamins and minerals.
• Canned vegetables
• Vegetable juice
• Canned tomatoes (juice and sauce)
• Canned fruit and fruit cups (in its own juice)
• Fruit juice
• Dried fruit
Whole grains provide maximum nutrition value and long-lasting energy.
• Low sugar/high fiber cereals
• Cereal bars
• All pasta types
• Rice
Lean meats and canned or dry beans provide the necessary fuel for muscles.
• Canned tuna, salmon or chicken
• Glass jars of beans and peas
• Baked beans
• Dried and canned beans and peas.
Now, all we need to know is where these donations can be made in Bigastro to ensure that they reach the people who need them most.
Brits recognised for their charity by the Consul
It is not just the town hall in Orihuela that has recognised the generosity of Brits here on the Costa Blanca.
The British Consul, Paul Rodwell and his Alicante-based team launched the ConeXiones project, an initiative to get charities and associations working alongside social services and Spanish charities. Rodwell says that he is constantly amazed at how the British community strives to help others regardless of their nationalities.
“Since I arrived on the Costa Blanca in August 2010, there has not been a day that I have not been struck by the amazing capacity of Brits to help others in need. On my visits up and down the coast, I regularly come into contact with unsung heroes who not only help British tourists and residents but anyone who is vulnerable and in need, regardless of nationality,” he told the free newspaper, Round Town News.
“I shudder to think of how we at the Consulate would cope if such a support network did not exist.”
And Mr Rodwell added: “Countless Spanish authorities have remarked to me how incredulous and impressed they are that Brits seem to have this innate ability to help others.
“What with the Olympics and Diamond Jubilee, we have lots of reasons to be proud but our volunteer sector and sense of social responsibility also takes some beating.
“Thanks from all the team here At the British consulate for all the help Brits give others – you are amazing ambassadors for our country! Merry Christmas to every one of you.”
Statistics reveal there has been a “dramatic rise” in poverty, hunger and inequality in Spain since the outbreak of the economic crisis in 2008 – while draconian austerity measures have sliced into social services, health care and education budgets. It is heart-warming to read that the British community here are doing what they can to help.
The demand for charity has tripled
With so many people unemployed, the demand for charity has increased threefold during the year. Caritas is the main provider of food to those that need it. They work tirelessly to raise support for their projects one of which was to make a collection on the coast under the banner, ‘a kilo, a litre, one euro’. The councillor for the coast, Pedro Mancebo reports that this latest campaign collected 800 kilos of food. However, as Mancebo stressed, “Christmas needs to be every month”; these collections need to continue throughout the year.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Searching for good news
I’m searching for a story for today but all I come up with are depressing ones about the number of people who have been evicted from their homes in Alcante province and a story about the Mancomunidad which owes its employees 460.000 euros. The only good news seems to be that the chemists are at last being paid.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Sharing my photos
The pictures from the album I published are too small to make decent copies from so I have uploaded larger ones to my Dropbox.
All you need to do is to go to https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7abljyprkno68e3/SOLSjsOQO4, select the photo(s) that you are interested in and download the image(s) using the tool in the bottom right hand corner (right click to find the download tool).
Although they are reduced in size from the camera originals, they should still produce normal size prints.
By way of contrast
in marked contrast to the Newsnight story of poverty in Spain, the Daily Mail reports on the chaos in Britain as Boxing Day sales started.
Police were deployed to keep 'public order' with an estimated 10million customers spending nearly £3billion on what was thought to be the busiest Boxing Day in history. Many queued through the night to secure a prime position.
However, if you look at the photos that accompanied the article, it is clear that the majority of the customers were not indigenous white British and many were in fact rich visitors from countries like China, the Middle East and Nigeria. Even still, this must be a sickening sight to Spanish families who are struggling to put bread on the table.
A sad tale to be told
San Miguel de Salinas featured heavily in a Newsnight documentary shown recently on the BBC about the economic crisis in Spain. Apparently, almost half the programme was made in the nearby town to Bigastro.
In the documentary, Spanish residents like Loli and Emilio testify to the effects that the crisis has had upon them. She is unemployed and he worked in construction for months without pay for fear of being sacked. Their daughter has had to give up on her training because the family cannot afford the fees and the grandparents provide food for the table from their garden.
Another resident, Beatriz explains that they rely on donations from the foreign community in the town for food because after they have paid for rent, electricity and water there is no money left. She goes on to say that they even water down milk to make it last longer.
The film goes on to show streets filled with unemployed youth, bars that are empty of customers and people begging in the streets. The film showed sports facilities are unused because nobody can afford the fees and new developments around the town that now stand empty or unfinished. One man said that he ate beef several times a week and now has to ration himself to once per month.
The film highlights some of the causes, the wasted money on projects like the airport at Castellón and Formula 1 racing in Valencia. It talked of the way that the savings banks freely gave loans and mortgages in the good times encouraging people to spend beyond their means. Now, of course, the banks have no money to lend and lie drowned under toxic debt.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Flaming hell
You know Spain does have some strange customs many of which involve animals. This picture (from the Guardian) shows a horse running through a fire.
This custom takes place at San Bartolomé de Pinares in central Spain on St Anthony’s day in January. It is meant to rid the horses of bad spirits and apparently does not spook the animals. They are soaked with water first to prevent them from being burnt.
I can’t imagine that they enjoy the experience.
The Christmas mist
The unusually high temperatures combined with high humidity led to a foggy start to Sunday and to yesterday. It didn't seem to create many problems on the roads but it did cause several flights from El Altet to be cancelled.
Then last night, we had some rain. I only became aware of this when I went to lock the door at about midnight. That has now all dried up and today should be mild and dry. In fact we should see quite a bit of sunshine over the next few days as we head into the New Year.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Feliz navidad a todos
Those of you with children will probably have been up for hours already. Your eager tots will have torn away at all that paper to discover what delights Santa has brought them this year. If you are thoroughly organised, the turkey may well be in the oven and the vegetables will be all peeled ready for cooking. Who knows, you may even be enjoying a glass of fizz to start the day properly.
Here at Casa El Willo, peace and tranquillity reins supreme. Mrs W is still fast asleep, there is no evidence that Santa has called and we are out for lunch so no turkey in the oven. That means I can take a little time to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas.I can hear the cockrel across the road crowing, other than that there is not a sound – it’s the price of living surrounded by older folk in a country where the visit of the Three Kings is more important than that of Santa Claus. I imagine things will be very different in Sale, Manchester at the house where my granddaughter lives!!!
Without taking up too much of your time, I hope that your day is full of fun and maybe a few surprises (nice ones of course).
Monday, December 24, 2012
Over 100 stars in one show
Last night’s performance at the Auditorium Fancisco Grau was spectacular. It started with an angel descending from the balcony and then moved on with dancing, singing, comedy, even children playing football, tennis and basketball. There was something for everyone in one show which must have taken hours if not weeks to prepare and rehearse.
Pamela and I were speechless at the end – we simply could not believe that we had enjoyed so much entertainment for the price of 2 euros per ticket.
You can see my photos here and marvel at just how much talent a small town can produce.
A proud father
Angel, the father, is justifiably proud, he has a beautiful family, a wonderful house and a lot of talent.
A must visit
When our ex-teacher, Ana, told us that she and her sister Marisu were opening a cafeteria at their parents’ house near Orihuela we were more than curious and could not wait to see it.
Yesterday we drove out there to find out what they had achieved and I can tell you Pam and I were amazed. We knew the house was grand and that the bar would be tasteful but we were not prepared for what we saw.
The cafeteria, which specialises in postres, cafes, tés, batidos y cocktails, is open Thursday to Sunday from 3pm.
Inside, in what used to be the garage, is the smartest bar you could imagine; very tastefully decorated and with ample seating set out in various areas. As you pass though the bar, you come to the children’s play area with plenty to keep the young members of the family occupied. Around the corner is the garden area with tables set out with some under a range of gazebos to protect you from the weather.
Apart from being very smart and spacious, Cafeteria Maraná is also a very relaxed place to enjoy a drink and a cake. Not surprisingly, Ana told me that their clientele come from far afield just to enjoy the relaxed atmosphere, the beautiful views of the mountains and the plush surroundings.
You can take it from me, Pam and I will be visiting the bar often and will make a point of taking friends.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Thank you Charles
My reader Charles Smythe replies to my item about rising fuel costs:
Poor you... how are you going to get through the winter living in fuel poverty like that?
You are number 300.001 according to this article:
Better sell your Canon EOS 7D body (which according to http://dukefotografia.com/ is presently selling at 1,249€ )
Are you yet accepting personal food donations?
Although it was very kind of him to offer a food donation, I did not care for his suggestion that I should sell off one of my camera bodies. At least he picked the APSC body rather than the full frame one!
PS Charles, could you include a bottle of Krug Clos d’Ambonnay 1995 in that hamper because it is good to have a decent bottle of fizz to start Christmas Day off.
PPS My wife asks if it is possible to stop Charles from commenting. I could but then I’d loose my spellchecker.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
More guns not less
You just knew that President Obama’s promise to introduce tighter control over guns in America was going to face stiff opposition and it has.
The National Rifle Association has now made its position clear on the issue. The executive vice-president of the NRA argues that the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is to face him up to a good guy with a gun. He therefore advocates that there should be an armed guard placed in every school in the USA and that means a lot more guns not less.
Gun violence in the US kills about 12,000 people per year. As if to exemplify the issue, at the same time Wayne LaPierre was speaking, there was a series of shootings on a quiet rural road outside Geeseytown in Pennsylvania. By the time the NRA chief stopped speaking, four more people had been added to the list of dead.
Basket cases
That sounds like such a great idea and should prove to be a lot of fun.
Last tax free lottery
The Christmas lottery, which will be drawn today, is the last one in Spain to be tax free. In future any prize over 2,500 euros will be taxed at source at the rate of 20%. So, for example, if you were to win 10,000 euros, then tax would be taken on 7,500 i.e. 1,500 euros. This will apply to all of the lotteries including the state run lottery, those run by autonomous regions, ONCE, the Red Cross etc.
A present for the New Year
Those of us with a contracted power rating of less than 10 kilowatts (ours akin with most houses of this size is 5.75lw) are on what is called the tariff of last resort (TUR). Since 2009, this is the only tariff which is set by the Government who regulate the cost.
Throughout 2012, the rate rose by 4% in April, by 7% in July and actually fell in October by 2.4%. However, that decrease was wiped out when VAT rose from 18 to 21%.
The argument used to explain these continuous cost increases (since 2006 electricity has always risen well above inflation) is the so called tariff deficit. That is, companies are spending more on producing electricity than they charge for it. Successive governments have always admitted this deficit which is currently estimated at 24,000 million euros.
The government of Mariano Rajoy wants to end the deficit, which for 2012 may well rise to 3,452 million- twice the legal limit set at 1,500 million and they intend to introduce taxes to achieve this.
There are two elements to the price of electricity; 50% is for the cost of generating the power and the other 50% for so called access fees which are set by the Goverment.
Where is this leading to you ask – well the price of electricity is set to go up in January by about 3%. It could have risen more if the Government hadn’t decided to freeze the 50% access fees. Those who are high users (consuming more than 10% above the average) will pay an extra 1 to 8% on top of that. What is the betting that those of us who live in houses with air conditioning, pool pumps and lots of modern appliances will fall into that category?
Hurry up Britain and get my claim for “winter fuel allowance” processed, I think I’m going to need it!
Friday, December 21, 2012
Airport closed at nights
In a bid to cut costs, Aena have decided to close Alicante airport at nights until April 2013. Only delayed flights and emergencies will be catered for. The airport will be shut between 12pm and 6 am.
Since Ryanair and Air Europa started reducing flights to Alicante and Spanair shut down, the airport has been losing passengers. Current estimates show that the airport will have lost 1.5 million by the end of this year. This will affect workers who will either lose their jobs or have their hours cut.
Are you reading this?
Of course you are and that means that the Mayan calendar was wrong. The prediction was that the world would end today and 12 percent (25 million) of Americans believed it.
The Mayans claimed that on December 21 2012, a 5,125-year cycle known as the Long Count supposedly comes to a close. This all started in 3114 BC when the countdown began. Since then there have been 13 baktuns or periods of 5,125 years. They believed that the end of the thirteenth baktun would be a milestone and would spell astronomical disasters ranging from explosive storms on the surface of the sun to a galactic alignment that could trigger a reversal in Earth's magnetic field.
If you still have power to your house then the storms haven’t happened and if you are not stuck to the ceiling then the magnetic field is intact.
People throughout the world invested in bomb proof shelters to protect themselves, they stocked up on dried foods to ensure survival and many flocked to Bugarach In France because they believed that aliens will come out of the nearby mountain to rescue them. As they exit from their shelters later today and find the world is still there outside, these folks are going to look rather stupid.
Mind you, the world might still be here but with all the rain that England is getting at the moment, it could well be time to stock up on some wood to build an ark!
Living Belen

Our teacher, Antonio, told us yesterday that over 100 people will be taking part in the Nativity Play including his wife. It certainly sounds like it will be well worth watching.
Just to remind you, performances will take place at the Auditorium Francisco Grau on Sunday, 23rd December at 5:30 pm and then again at 8pm. Tickets are available from the Town Hall this morning. Cost 2 euros.
With so many taking part, I think you can anticipate the Auditorium being full for this event. You can also anticipate an album of photos on this blog sometime Monday!
UPDATE: If you haven't managed to call in at the Town Hall and still want to watch this spectacular performance then your best bet is to try for the 8pm show. When Pam and I bought our allocated seating tickets for the 5:30pm showing, there were still some left for 8pm.
Also, according to the Councillor for Culture, Maria Jose Sarmiento Juan there are over 200 people taking part in the performance.
Be safe on the roads
The first phase of "Operation Christmas 2012/2013", designed by Tráfico, will end at midnight on December 25
The second phase will run from Friday December 28 until January 1, 2013.
The Feast of Kings will be the third and final part of Operation Christmas beginning on Friday 4 January to midnight Monday January 7.
The Government delegate in Valencia, Paula Sánchez de León, has stressed the recommendations of DGT "zero alcohol, zero dugs and take your time." Be warned, there will be extra patrols out there to help ease the problems and at the same time catch those who flout the law.
Numbers of accidents during the holiday period have dropped dramatically over the last few years and the hope is that they will continue to fall this year.
* When I read that again, I realised my mistake in just writing nine!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Cheaper rail travel
The Minister for Development in Spain says that they will adjust the price of tickets on the high speed train (AVE) because they are currently too expensive and are not competitive. It seems that there are many of the stations on the current lines where only a handful of passengers join or leave the train. She went on to say that the link between Barcelona and Figueras will open in January and then to Alicante by June.
The AVE has been a huge investment for Spain such that the country cannot afford to see it fail. Making the tickets cheaper may bring in more passengers but it will surely cost the state dearly.
Used but not abused
Yesterday, I wrote about how my Flickr pictures can be used under the Creative Commons licence free of charge.
It seems that a company called HostelBookers.com have recently taken my picture of Santa to use for a blog post about 7 weird Santas from around the world.
Out of the seven, the Christmas goat in Sweden looks friendly enough. However, I am sure the prospect of being visited by Krampus in Austria would frighten children to death and even the Yule lads from Iceland have a nasty side because they are descendants of Grýla, a cruel troll hag whose favourite dish is a stew of naughty children!
My Santa is a friendly soul who sits at the bottom of the fireplace smoking his pipe.
Mighty Everest
As a keen photographer, it would be impossible for me not to be impressed by the work of the filmmaker David Breashears and the non-profit organisation GlacierWorks in producing an incredible picture of Mount Everest and the Khumbu glacier. They took 477 pictures using a 300mm lens and stitched them together to make one huge image which you can view in detail.
This is just one small part showing base camp where expeditions up the mountain start from.
You can see this project for yourselves at http://www.glacierworks.org/.
Sadly, the site uses Flash so iPad, iPod and iPhone users will not be able to view this.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
We all give stuff away
One of the great benefits of the Internet is that we can share our thoughts and pictures in a variety of ways. Our intention may be just to share those things only with friends and people we know but such is the nature of the Internet that others can easily access that information and use it without our knowing.
Through this blog for example, all sorts of people out there learn things about the personal lives of my wife and I, our comings and goings and our thoughts on a range of issues. When I first started writing Esta es Jauja there were a lot more personal posts included. Gradually, as I saw the readership grow, I have reduced that content a) because I might not want to share all those details with the world and b) they are probably of no interest to anyone other than our family and friends anyway.
I also have a Flickr account as well on which I post pictures, some of which reveal information about us. Many of the subscribers to Flickr use a pseudonym to protect their identity, I use my real name but of course there are many people out there with the same name as me so that does not concern me.
I am aware that many of my photographs have been used elsewhere. Since I operate under a “Creative Commons” license that gives people the right to use my photos as long as they attribute them to me. Many do just that, they write to me and seek permission and then use the photos for their own purposes. As far as I know, nobody has used my more personal pictures - why would they?
It would be very naive to assume that companies like Yahoo and Google offer their services for nothing, in fact I pay to host my photos on Flickr but not to host this blog on Google. There are many other so called free services like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram which seem to charge nothing to provide web space to us. Lots of free lunches out there for us to take advantage of.
Let us be clear, it costs a lot of money to host millions of Facebook accounts and millions of photos on Instagram. The server farms required are huge and both expensive to set up and run. If you think it costs a lot to keep your house cool in summer, imagine what it costs to keep thousands of computers running cool.
Facebook have come clean and told their clients that they will use the information provided to push “selected” adverts to them. Now Instagram have also come clean and told users that their photos can be used for commercial purposes without payment or permission.
For the average person on the street, this is hardly an issue. Let’s be honest, it is difficult to imagine any commercial use for photos of your dog or cat and even pictures of your children playing in the park have little value. Where Instagram hope to make money is from the pictures that so called celebrities post. Whereas, the average user might post the odd photo, these star struck individuals revel in sharing every aspect of their lives with us and so post pictures by the bucket load. They tweet and post all day long from their diamond encrusted smartphones in an attempt to keep their profiles high. It is these people who will bring in the cash for Instagram and it is they who are are now up in arms about the change in policy.
It is a sad fact that our openness these days leaves us vulnerable to being snooped upon, gossiped about and generally abused by people we do not even know. If we are uncomfortable about those issues, then the answer lies with the delete button.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Ken and Kay
Many who live at Villas Andrea will remember brother and sister, Ken and Kay Wooden who first owned the house next door to us.
Just over a year ago, they sold the house to a young Spanish couple and moved to France in search of milder weather. Although we have asked those that knew them, nobody seemed to have an idea about how they were getting on with their new lives.
Yesterday, out of the blue, we got a Christmas card from Kay and Ken along with a letter written by Kay.
Neither Ken nor Kay speak French so it is lucky that they found someone who does that could help them out with all the formalities of opening a bank account and registering with a doctor etc.
Although they miss aspects of their life in Spain, Ken and Kay don’t miss the weather. Even though it might have been hot where they are, it was probably cooler than here this last summer.
We are glad to hear that they are both well and wish them a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Seeking a solution
During the 60s and probably the 70s, Bigastro would not have had a problem with car parking. Now though, more people own cars and parking has become a major issue. The previous council built a multi storey car park to try and solve the problem but unfortunately the cost went over budget and so it has not opened.
In fact, Spaniards seem to be very reluctant to pay for parking and will double or even treble park on streets without meters to avoid paying.
One of the biggest problems for Bigastro is Calle Purisima which is the main shopping street of the town. Some of those who live in the apartments above the street have garages and so want access for their cars. Providing open access allows others to park on the street, obstructing the way for pedestrians and at the same time fouling the granite cobbles and paving with tyre marks and oil slicks.
The council are looking into ways that could solve these issues including introducing a “blue zone” where motorists would have to pay to park. Charo Bañuls (PP) and Aurelio Murcia, (UnPLC) say that nothing has been decided yet and in fact there hasn’t even been a study made of the possible options. Both agree however that a solution must be sought.
Speaking of the cobbles, have you noticed the state of them? In places, they were laid uneven and so were a hazard right from the start. Now the problem has been made worse because a lot of the sand that was spread between them has washed away. Ladies wearing heels must find them particularly dangerous.
On many of the streets in Bigastro, people will walk on the road and avoid the slippery pavings. On Purisima, the opposite is true.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Will the lesson be learnt?
There are some who have a strange fascination for guns and weaponry, my brother was one of them. As a child, he liked nothing better than a toy gun or a knife to play with. For all I know, he probably still does.
When we lived in Canada, Brian was fascinated by the gun my father was forced to carry as a policeman on the docks in Vancouver. I’m sure, if my father hadn’t locked it away carefully each night, my brother would have sought it out to play with loaded or otherwise.
As for me, I have never been drawn to firearms or indeed other weapons in any way. Sure, as a kid, I played cowboys and Indians but it was not my favourite game. When I asked for a high quality pocket knife one birthday, my wife and children were shocked. I keep that knife safe in a drawer and only use it when I need to – to me it is an essential tool just like a pair of pliers or a screwdriver rather than an object of fascination.
Americans have always had a love of guns. Many own a collection of firearms which they claim are either purely for defence or for hunting. It is almost like, everyone else has them so I must. The man who shot down 20 children and six adults at a school in Newtown had access to no less than three of his mother’s guns including automatic pistols.
If this was the first tragedy involving firearms in America, it might be considered unusual but the fact is there have been several. Access to guns and licences to own them in most states are easy which means that there will always be the potential for further instances of this sort of horror to hit our newspapers.
Yesterday, at a memorial service, President Obama hinted that he will take steps to prevent any further mass shootings which we take to mean that he will revue the laws regarding firearms. The problem is that the National Rifle Association is a powerful lobbying group and they will be vehemently opposed to any change in the law that would prevent Americans from owing guns. However, by upholding citizens rights to freedom of choice in these matters, the gun lobbying groups must accept the stain of blood on their hands from this tragedy and any further ones that are to come.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Other ways
Apart from putting up with a huge dish on your roof and worrying whether it will still work in six months time, there are other ways to get British TV in Spain.
1. Europa networks offer ADSL packages which include 20 channels of British TV and radio to your computer and/or to a set top box if you wish. I’m investigating this option at the moment to see if it would work for us.
The important things to find out for me are; a) whether Europa complete the transfer from Telefonica (I don’t want to end up paying twice for the same thing), b) how reliable they are in the long term and c) whether I could still use my existing router which cost me a fair bit and gives excellent wifi coverage throughout the house (I don’t want to rely on some cheap give-away router that doesn’t do the job).
2. BBC iPlayer is available on the iPad. Although this is not the same as iPlayer in Britain in that you have to pay for it and it doesn’t have all the programme coverage of the UK version, it works well. Obviously, if you don’t have an iPad this is a no-no!
3. You can use BBC iPlayer and other internet TV services in the UK by subscribing to a Virtual Private Network or a proxy service. These work by directing your internet connection via a server which has a UK internet protocol address. In the case of a proxy it is your browser that is connected to the virtual IP address; a VPN directs all of your traffic through a local server.
Although there are free VPN services, they all seem to push adverts at you and can slow down your connection. A paid for service should be more reliable and will come without adverts. With either though you may find that access to secure websites like your bank account will not work. In those cases, you would have to disconnect from the VPN and use your normal connection. Even your email won’t work through the VPN server if you use an email client rather than web based email services.
If anyone has experience of Europa networks, good or bad, I would be pleased to hear their comments.
How long will it last?
Although we are more than happy with the Canal+ satellite TV system, Pam and I did consider adding a second dish to our roof for British Freeview television. Reading some of the adverts in local papers, it seemed that we could have a dish and box installed for about 399 euros. For that price it would be worth it for the odd program we’d want to watch.
However, when I investigated further, that was for a 1.4m dish which would not be guaranteed to pick up all of the programs all of the time and an even smaller 1m dishes would only work until the channels were moved to another satellite with a tighter beam. It seems that this area is in a black spot for British TV (just look at this map) and you still need a 1.9m or even a 2.4m dish to get a reliable signal. I’m sorry but there is no way that we are prepared to have one of those monsters on our roof or in the garden.
Some expats, desperate for British TV, have gone to extraordinary lengths to keep in touch with their favourite programs by moving from re-transmitted analogue microwave to digital microwave and various other permutations in-between. Most seem to have given up with the illegal rebroadcasts now and have plumped for a satellite dish to either pick up free-to-air or are using a Sky card registered to a UK address to get a Sky satellite package.
The bottom line is that, although it is not illegal to receive British TV here in Spain, the broadcasters don’t really want you to pick it up. The footprints for the satellites that broadcast free-to-air and Sky are meant to cover just the UK and the Channel Islands. Those who live close enough to Britain can obviously still pick up a good signal and because of the patterns of the broadcasts, some that live far away can get a decent signal -it all depends on the particular satellite used to broadcast the signal.
The TV satellites are all 36000 km above the equator in a geo-synchronous orbit (the stay above the same spot on Earth). You obviously cannot pick up satellites that are below the horizon. The satellites in your field of view will generally be about plus or minus 60 degrees of longitude from where you are. However, even if the satellite is in view, the tighter its beam, the less likely you are to pick up a strong enough signal without resorting to larger and larger dishes ( you can go up to 3m and beyond). The main satellite for UK TV is Astra 2D which as a very tight footprint, other programs are broadcast on south and north beams which cover a wider area. From what I understand, most systems installed in this area use both north and south beams to get coverage.
The current situation is that, as from this week, those who live in the area from the north of Almeria down to southern Spain and Portugal can no longer pick up free-to-air channels. No doubt there are techno wizards working out a solution to get the signal back but it will inevitably involve extra cost for all those desperate for their weekly dose of Coronation Street.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Guilty of dual standards
Statistics from last year’s census show that people from mixed race backgrounds were among the fastest growing groups in Britain. It is an issue that many assume will undermine the whole nature of Britain. Talk is that, in time, Britain will no longer be a Christian country as the Muslim population takes over.
This has led to the notion among some of the so called natives that all immigrants to Britain should abandon their cultural heritage altogether and adopt a ‘British’ culture. The opposite view is that people from different races should be allowed to live their separate lives and get on with things in their own way. Neither viewpoint is reality and neither will produce a properly integrated community in which people can coexist in peace and harmony.
The crux of the problem, as identified by the Labour party is language. Immigrants with little or no command of English are clearly disadvantaged in every way. They stand little chance of becoming fully integrated into their new country. Ed Milliband, the Labour leader, says that he would seek to address this issue if his party were returned to government.
Imagine if the same principles were to be applied here in Spain. How many British people on the Costa Blanca are there without even a basic understanding of Spanish? How many of our countrymen and women are there that live in glorious isolation from anything Spanish?
We talk of the issues of integration in Britain and complain about those Johnny foreigners who do not fall into line with our views and yet we fail to see that we are equally guilty of creating the same problems living here in Spain. We create our own ‘Bradfords’ i.e. communities and even towns where only foreigners live and we cannot see any wrong in doing so. We live our lives oblivious of the language and culture of Spain and expect to be tolerated. I can’t help but feel that some of us are guilty of dual standards.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Christmas Market in Bigastro
Bigastro City Council have organized a Christmas market on Calle Purisima for the 14th, 15th and 16th December.
21st century Pope
Can I say first of all that I don’t have a Twitter account. It takes me all my time to keep up with this blog let alone send messages to anyone who cares to read them via tweets.
The Pope, on the other hand does have a Twitter account - @pontifex for those of you who may be interested. In fact he has eight accounts in a variety of languages but the message is the same on all of them.
His first tweet was sent out on the 12th December at about 10:30am. His second tweet came half an hour later. In future though, his tweets will apparently be written by others.
"Dear friends, I am pleased to get in touch with you through Twitter. Thank you for your generous response. I bless all of you from my heart."
Sorry Pope but I won’t be tweeting back nor will I be following your future messages. I am sure they will be appreciated by most who read them though. Just ignore the loonies who send abuse.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
The race is on
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There will be a 10km race for those who are fit enough on Sunday 16th December starting and finishing at the Auditorium Francisco Grau. You are advised not to park your car on the streets where the race is taking place and that moving your car to and from those streets will not be permitted.
Helping others
The Department of Social Welfare in Bigastro along with the Association La Pedrera are operating a Food & Toys collection for this Christmas.
Dress your house up for Christmas and win a prize

Decorate the outside of your house or balcony with lights, reindeer, Santa on a sleigh or whatever you can find and you could be in to win a prize.
Your decorations should be up from the 14th December until the 7th January.
PRIZES: 150 euros, 100 euros and 755 euros redeemable against purchases in local shops up to the 31st January.
The crunch may be coming
Fourteen thousand health cards belonging to EU and non-resident foreigners have been withdrawn in Torrevieja. These are for people who neither contribute to the Social Security system in Spain nor have proof that their status in the country has been regularised. In order to get their SIP cards back, these people will have to prove that they have residency status in Spain and that they are not entitled to health care in another EU country.
The measure is designed to prevent what is described as health care tourism whereby people play the system by deciding which country they wish to be treated in. Basically, when you leave one country and register for healthcare in Spain, you should give up your rights to treatment in the country you left. You can’t expect to be able to access full treatment in both countries.
If this has happened in Torrevieja, then it is bound to happen in Orihuela Costa and possibly in Bigastro. Apparently , what you need is a) proof that you have residency here in Spain and b) proof that you have given up your rights to health care in the country you left.
Que frio
Yesterday was a cold start to the day as I stood outside the Premier Inn in Altrincham for my first pipe of the day. It did warm up a little as the sun broke through but not by much. Looks like it is set to get even colder in Manchester today with a top temperature of 0 and a low of –3 but then get a little warmer as the week rolls on.
As for us, we arrived back at El Altet about 20 minutes behind schedule and then waited a further 20 minutes for our cases to arrive. So, already later than expected, we set off back to Bigastro and home. We normally go to to the airport on the motorway and come back on the coast road. Last night, for the first time ever, I missed the turning to Santa Pola and carried on the N-332 towards Alicante - so we had a bit of a detour.
Finally, we arrived home to find that the central heating boiler was running. That has only happened once before on our return from trips to the UK and is a sign that the freeze protection on the thermostat had kicked in to prevent the system and the pipework in the house from freezing up. In fact I’d noticed that the freeze warning on my car was showing a temperature of 4 degrees (I didn’t even know I had a freeze warning on my car) so it was cold last night.
This morning, the freeze protection on the central heating had kicked in again and the radiators in the house were warm when I got up. It will probably take most of today to warm the house with hopefully some sunshine through the windows.
Monday, December 10, 2012
An update
Wednesday, December 05, 2012
Media frenzy
The announcement of a new royal baby has set the papers alight with stories including those that normally prefer to keep matters concerning royalty low key.
Ardent fans of the royals are delighted by the news and will mop up the titbits of gossip thrown at them. Others will be less interested and will moan at the constant stream of information about a child they care little about.
Speculation about a possible pregnancy started when the Duchess of Cambridge changed her hairstyle. Many were quick to point out that women often do this sort of thing when they are anticipating a life changing event and the Duke added fuel to this speculation when he gladly accepted the gift of a baby grow on one of their recent walkabouts.
Now the story is out and we all know that a royal baby is due sometime in September.
The laws of succession have been changed which means that, whatever sex the baby is, it will be third in line to the throne behind Charles and William. But what if the Duchess is expecting twins? In that case, the first of the twins to be born would take precedence. But then what if the birth is by caesarean section? In that case, it is up to the obstetrician to decide which baby is delivered first. But will he want to take that responsibility? That begs the question of who would take responsibility for making the choice. Would it be William, who’s expected, like most modern fathers, to be present at the birth? Or, would the royal family revert to the odd practices where a government minister had to be present at the accouchement to act as an observer and ensure everything was above board?
I think we can anticipate a lot more on this story and many more in the coming months with a string of experts putting forward their views on every aspect of the royal pregnancy. By the time the due date comes, even the most ardent fan of the royals will be tired of all this. That is, until the first photos of the child hit the press, then we can expect a cacophony of cooing and awing to take over because I can guarantee, that this baby (or babies) will be the most beautiful ever born, not just to the family but to the whole nation.
Let’s just hope (unlike in the case of Harry to Charles), it bears a passing resemblance to William!
Mercado de Abastos
We were talking in class yesterday about how people like to live in the centre of a town so that they have easy access to a variety of shops. They want to be able to buy all they need within walking distance of their house.
I suggested that the market on Thursday in Bigastro is popular for this reason. Within the length of Calle Purisima, you can buy all the fruit and vegetables you require, pick up a pair of shoes, stock up on cleaning materials for our house, collect a ready roast chicken for dinner and a whole lot more.
At that point, our teacher Antonio asked if we had visited the indoor market at Callosa de Segura. Pamela and I visited Callosa once with our Spanish class a few years ago but we didn’t take the opportunity on that trip to visit the market. Our impressions of the town from that brief visit were favourable and we have said that we should return. In comparison with Bigastro, Callosa is more attractive.
Antonio went on to tell us that the Mercado de Abastos in Callosa has no equal in this area. He said that the produce on sale is of the best quality, very fresh and well priced. He was particularly impressed by the range of fish, seafoods, meat and vegetables on offer and advised us to go there.
Unlike the weekly street market in Bigastro, the newly renovated Mercado de Abastos is a permanent market, open each day including the 6th December when most shops will be closed.
Monday, December 03, 2012
Getting all fired up
No, this is not another rant about wood smoke! I’ve said my piece on that matter already this morning in the next item down.
One of the issues that people back in Britain are getting fired up about is the avoidance of tax by large corporations. The main targets seem to be Starbucks, Google and Amazon who are said to have robbed Britain of £32billion worth of tax according to the Daily Mail. I’ve no doubt they have done something similar in Spain and indeed in every country where they operate.
It seems though that football clubs in Britain also got in on the act. The article in the Mail goes on to say that English Premier league clubs had only paid £2.4m in tax on £150m in profits. The five top clubs that were cited include Manchester United, Tottenham Hotspur, Newcastle United, Wolverhampton Wanderers and Fulham who between them, made £70m in profits but paid no tax at all and their excuse was that they made losses in previous years.
The government says that, although these tax dodges are legal, they could be considered immoral. In my opinion, the fault lies not with the companies but with the loopholes in the system that allow them to happen. I’m sure we’d all pay 2% in tax if we could find a way of doing it.
It’s that time of year again
Remember when you were young and every house had coal fires? On a cold winter’s morning you could smell the smoke from those fires as you left the house and you could see the evidence of all that pollution on the blackened stonework of buildings.
In the days of the industrial revolution, there were parts of Britain where the smoke was so thick from factory chimneys that people didn’t see the sun for weeks and of course their health was badly affected.
Those were the bad old days!
Here, in Bigastro there is no coal but there is a lot of wood and so that is what folks burn on their fires. Wood is cheap and plentiful and so it is a logical choice to use it to warm your house but it isn’t necessarily a good one.
Some facts to consider
Although wood smoke conjures up fond memories of sitting by a cosy fire, it is important to know that the components of wood smoke and cigarette smoke are quite similar, and that many components of both are carcinogenic. Wood smoke contains fine particulate matter, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, sulphur dioxide and various irritant gases such as nitrogen oxides that can scar the lungs. Wood smoke also contains chemicals known or suspected to be carcinogens, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and dioxin.
The effects
- Wood smoke interferes with normal lung development in infants and children. It also increases children’s risk of lower respiratory infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia.
- Wood smoke exposure can depress the immune system and damage the layer of cells in the lungs that protect and cleanse the airways.
- According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), toxic air pollutants are components of wood smoke. Wood smoke can cause coughs, headaches, eye, and throat irritation in otherwise healthy people.
- For vulnerable populations, such as people with asthma, chronic respiratory disease and those with cardiovascular disease, wood smoke is particularly harmful— even short exposures can prove dangerous.
- The particles of wood smoke are extremely small and therefore are not filtered out by the nose or the upper respiratory system. Instead, these small particles end up deep in the lungs where they remain for months, causing structural damage and chemical changes. Wood smoke’s carcinogenic chemicals adhere to these tiny particles, which enter deep into the lungs.
- Recent studies show that fine particles that go deep into the lungs increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes. EPA warns that for people with heart disease, short- term exposures have been linked to heart attacks and arrhythmias. If you have heart disease, these tiny particles may cause you to experience chest pain, palpitations, shortness of breath, and fatigue.
Exposure Issues
- The particulate matter in wood smoke is so small that windows and doors cannot keep it out—even the newer energy-efficient weather-tight homes cannot keep out wood smoke.
- The EPA estimates that a single fireplace operating for an hour and burning 10 pounds of wood will generate 4,300 times more PAHs than 30 cigarettes. PAHs are carcinogenic.
Of course, if it is the only means to heat your house then there is no choice. However, before you strike the match to light that cosy fire ask yourself, “do I really want to scar children’s lungs, do I really want to damage healthy people and put those who have already have respiratory or heart problems at risk?”
Response from one of my followers
Yes I agree with your comments / the last few years have seen the increase in Guardamar of wood burning during the winter months. A short walk around at night can leave those with a weak chest coughing and wheezing.
We now avoid visiting Spain in the depths of winter partly for this reason.
Sunday, December 02, 2012
Looks like the ex mayor of Torrevieja could be going down
The High Court of Justice of the Community has condemned the former mayor of Torrevieja and the PP regional deputy, Pedro Angel Hernandez Mateo, to three years in prison and seven years of ineligibility to serve in office for his part in the awarding of municipal garbage collection services in 2004 to Necso (Acciona). The resolution also condemns him to pay a fine of 10,500 euros and indemnify the City with another 12,000. The PP in Torrevieja say that the former mayor will appeal the sentence
It seems that Sr Mateo ignored advice from his own people and went with that of three legal advisers, one of which had connections with the company that won the contract. He then railroaded the decision through the council at a meeting of the Tenders Committee by adding two councillors who he knew would vote favourably. And, for the first time in his 15 years as mayor, he spoke up at the meeting to avoid having to use his casting vote.
I seem to remember that there was previous controversy surrounding the former mayor when he made a fortune out of land that he bought at rural prices and then sold a few years later once it had been approved for urban development.
Is it any wonder that people question whether there are any honest politicians in this country!
PS For the benefit of my Spanish readers, “going down” is an English expression which means sent to prison (as in going down to the cells which were traditionally situated beneath the courts). It also has other connotations which we won’t go into here!
Other English expressions that refer to the same thing include; “spending time at Her Majesty’s pleasure”, “banged up” and “doing porridge” although “banged up” can also mean a lady is pregnant.
Before we accuse Spaniards of having odd expressions, we should first of all consider our own language.
Oh dear
The Councillor for Sports in Bigastro, Antonio Joaquín Sáez, has been accused of being lazy and inept by the Socialist spokesman, Raúl Valerio Medina.
The council passed an ordinance at the meeting on Wednesday requiring people to pay to use the sports facilities in the town. Valerio says that the document submitted had been “cut and pasted” from a document used in Orihuela and as such only applied to larger towns than Bigastro. He went on to say that the document referred to organisations that do not exist.
Looks like Sr Sáez may have to go back to the drawing board on this one.
Saturday, December 01, 2012
On thin ice
La Zenia Boulevard is gearing itself up for the festive season with an ice rink of 300 square metres. There is also a huge icicle curtain in the Plaza Major and two giant 14 metre trees to help get you into the Christmas spirit.
To tempt you to part with more of your cash, a number of new shops will be opening soon: a pet store, DEKAN, a new young fashion store, ED HARDY, SALVADOR ARTESANOS and PWETER for shoes, a children’s shoe shop, SAXO KIDS, for leather goods and accessories, PRIMICHI and to add to the eating places, SUN RICES.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Strike ends
At a packed meeting last night, the pharmacists in Alicante province voted to call off their strike. There were 409 votes for the decision, 36 against and 20 abstentions.
The move came after the Ministry of Finance paid 114 million euros directly to the chemists for the first period owed to them. As long as the regional government in Valencia continue with the payments, the pharmacies will now remain open.
On behalf of the pharmacists, the President offered his apologies to the public for the inconvenience that has been caused by their action.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
A British Christmas Fayre in Bigastro
On Wednesday 5th December, Darren and Hazel will be hosting a Christmas Fayre at La Terraza bar in Bigastro between 1pm and 5 o clock.
Apart from twenty stalls offering cheap items and the chance to recycle your unwanted items, Darren and Hazel are offering everyone a free cup of tea sponsored by GT Autos.
There will be hand painted glassware and jewellery, homemade pickles and jams, wood turned gifts along with shoes bags and clothing on sale. There will also be a raffle with prizes including a complete Christmas turkey dinner and a free hair appointment.
Since there are only few Brits living in Bigastro, Darren and Hazel are hoping to attract people from communities nearby where there are larger numbers of ex-pats e.g. Entre Naranjos.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
M&S on our doorstep
As I have said before, we are big fans of Marks and Spencer for clothes. Their products may not carry trendy labels but then neither do they come at designer label prices. Many people in Britain, from royalty down, rely on Marks for underwear if for nothing else.
On our trips to the UK, we usually make time to call in at Marks to top up on clothing and in between we have taken advantage of their delivery service to Spain which costs £7.50 per parcel.
Now it seems, they have seen a market for their products in Spain and have a website in Spanish. I haven’t explored the site fully but I expect they carry all the lines that are included on the English version. As a huge bonus, delivery is free if you order over 35 euros worth of goods (that is not hard!).
Not good
It might be windy here today but at least it is dry. Looking at the pictures of widespread flooding in England and Wales makes you realise how fortunate we are. When it rains here, it comes down in buckets full but it rarely lasts for long. Then the sun comes back out and everywhere returns to normal. In Britain, when it rains it seems to go on for days, rivers burst their banks and low lying land is flooded. No sooner do people recover from one deluge, they get another and another.
Forecasts say that the rain in Britain should ease but will be replaced by one of the harshest winters the country has experienced in 100 years. There is even talk of temperatures as low as 20 degrees below freezing in some parts of the country.
We might be facing a severe financial crisis in Spain but at least we are relatively warm and dry for the moment!
No good news for El Altet
The figures for passenger numbers at Alicante airport do not make good reading. Last month, there were 16% fewer passengers. Last year the airport received 9,913,731 passengers, the highest in its history. It looks like this year numbers will drop by 11%.
One of the main problems has been the long running dispute with Ryanair. The company promised to bring 600,000 new passengers to the airport next year but only if they could walk onto the aircraft rather than use the airbridges. Aena says that safety concerns make that impossible at the moment. They are in the process of setting out new parking areas where passengers can embark and disembark using footbridges but that is too late for Ryanair who say they will take their business elsewhere.
You know, I can’t help but feel that these issues should have been sorted out before the new terminal was constructed or at the latest, when construction was under way so that provision could be made for airlines that want to cut costs to the bone.
From a passenger point of view, it is preferable to use and airbridge than walk across the tarmac especially in winter when it is raining, or there is a strong wind blowing but are we prepared to pay for that?
Ryanair say that using airbridges costs them more in terms of turn around time, which along with the extra charges for the use of an airbridge, reduces their competitive edge.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Have you applied?
Changes in the rules concerning winter fuel allowances in the UK mean that, even if you did not qualify when you lived in Britain, you can still apply. Pam and I sent off our applications a couple of weeks ago and are now waiting for our replies.
There are those in government in the UK that think we should not be eligible for an allowance under any circumstances. They believe that living in Spain means we don’t need assistance with our heating bills, after all Spain is a Mediterranean country with a mild climate all year round.
Let me put them straight on that - in winter it gets cold. Maybe it is not as cold as in the UK but for those of us acclimatised to Spanish summers, winters are harsh. For example, the forecast for this week shows temperatures in the low teens during the daytime dropping to 5,6 or even 3 degrees at night. That is bitter in my book and remember we are not into the depths of winter yet.
During the summer our gas bills are in the teens of euros but in the winter they can reach three hundred euros or more when we have the central heating on all day. We don’t have cavity wall insulation nor is there a thick blanket of fibre glass in the roof. Our house is not cold in the daytime when the sun is on it but on cloudy days and at night that is a different matter.
Just like any other pensioner who happens to live in the UK, we paid our dues for the period when we were working so we should be entitled to the same benefits in retirement.
Monday, November 26, 2012
A result at last
As I have reported before, the voltage of our electricity supply has been fluctuating wildly for some time now. It caused the lights to flicker and lower and my UPS to go mad as it tried to even out the fluctuations.
What puzzled us though was, other people on our estate did not seem to be suffering from the same problem. Was it just our house?
The answer came last night when the electricity went off altogether. We could see that other parts of Villas Andrea were still lit up but that our street lights were all out and none of the houses had lights on.
Pam and I went outside to investigate and could hear our neighbours chatting about the problem in the street. Some minutes later, the electricity came back on. One of our neighbours explained that there had been a breakdown in a transformer that was only affecting our street and that now it was fixed!
Touch wood, since then the lights have been stable and my UPS confirms a steady 23 volts – let’s hope it stays that way!
About the concert
This year's concert for Santa Cecilia was described as ‘extraordinary’ because it was mainly a tribute to one of Bigastro’s favourite musicians, Don Manuel Moya Pomares.
Born in the town, Pomares grew up in a musical family. It was therefore inevitable that he would become a musician. His first instrument was the oboe but he later went on to play the tuba as well.
During a long and distinguished career, he directed several bands including the one in Bigastro and taught music at some of the illustrious academies in the region. He also composed many pieces and received many awards for his work including two gold medals.
During the concert, two of his sons, Fernando (euphonium) and German (oboe) played solos, his cousins in Mallorca sent a video greeting and there were tributes paid to him by his son Fernando, the President of the band and the lady mayor.
For the final piece, one of his own compositions -“a mi pueblo”, he took the baton to direct the band to rousing applause.
It was a glorious evening of music and a wonderful tribute to a very proud bigastrense.
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Fernando | German | Manuel |
Sunday, November 25, 2012
More about it later
I’ll tell you later about the concert last night, in the meantime you can see my pictures here.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
No end in sight
The strike by pharmacists is now in its fourth week and there is no sign of let up. In fact, on Wednesday, they voted 4 to 1 to continue with the strike.
Some pharmacies are just open to sell over-the-counter items and will only dispense low cost prescriptions. As they say, fulfilling prescriptions is like giving someone a gift because they know they won’t be paid for them. These people might be caring but they can’t afford to be stupid, they have families to feed and mortgages to pay just like the rest of the country.
In desperation, some patients have decided to pay for their medication in full and of course, in those circumstances, the chemists are willing to provide the drugs. That is OK if your prescription is for a low cost item but not if it is expensive.
The government say that drugs are freely available if you are prepared to visit the local clinic or hospital – not everyone can do that.
The fear is that it is only a matter of time before someone dies through lack of medication,what will be the reaction then?
Friday, November 23, 2012
Shopping by post
I have been a fan of this method of shopping for awhile now. Whilst it might not provide instant gratification, shopping by post does mean you can get the best deals and it saves a lot of leg work.
When we came to Spain, we were temporarily cut off from some of our favourite shops in Britain but not anymore. Many of them will now deliver to Spain for a nominal fee and in the case of Amazon, delivery is free for those items sold by them (as long as you spend more than £25).
The local couriers know where we live now and make regular trips to our gate with packages from Amazon (both in Britain and Spain), from Marks and Spencer and more recently from Argos. We’ve also had packages from countries as far afield as America. However, those have normally taken a little longer to arrive.
Of course, we prefer to shop locally when we can but to be honest there are some things that are simply not available or are cheaper sourced elsewhere. For example, we cannot wean ourselves off Marks and Spencer for clothes so we make room on our regular trips to the UK to bring back the items and in between we order online.
The latest items to arrive were floor standing cabinets for the bathrooms. We’ve looked in dozens of local shops for these and found nothing that took our fancy. Argos stocks a wide range in prices from cheap to expensive via reasonable so that is where we bought them from (in euros). They were delivered yesterday by the friendly man from DHL who I reckon will be coming again in the near future!
The threat of independence subsides
The threat made by Artur Mas’s party to seek independence for Catalonia seems to be weakening. Latest surveys show that his party may even lose seats in the forthcoming elections.
Even if they did win, a referendum seeking independence for the region would be deemed unconstitutional.
In fact, although Catalonia may be the wealthiest region of Spain, it is also the most indebted. Many business say that they would suffer by being outside of Spain but more importantly, Barcelona FC and Espanyol FC would not be eligible to play in the Spanish first division!
It seems that, although Catalans might consider themselves to be different to their Spanish neighbours, they may not be ready to break the ties that bind them. There might be something to gain from independence, however the price for that is too high for many to pay.
Introducing Pablo
This is the young student that Pamela teaches English to. His parents recognised the importance of learning English and asked Pamela if she would give him a couple of hours of tuition each week.
Since, the lessons began just over a year ago, Pablo’s confidence in English has grown, his marks in tests have improved and his parents are delighted with the progress he has made.
Pamela has been approached by others who would also like their children to progress in English but to be honest, she doesn’t have the time. After all, we didn’t retire to Spain to find work!
PS You can see Pablo in action with the junior band last night by following this link.
Open at last
There are now three Media Markt stores in Alicante province since the latest one opened its doors to the public.
With an area of 2,500 square metres and 45,000 different products on sale, the store promises to be a useful source for those looking to buy e.g. consumer electrical goods, computers or photographic equipment.
The new shop is number 63 in Spain and the latest out of a total of 925 throughout Europe and Asia.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Just a reminder
St. Cecilia Concert 2012, dedicated to the great master D.Manuel Moya Pomares will be on Saturday, November 24th at 20:00 pm at the Municipal Auditorium Francisco Grau.
Traditionally, the band pulls out all the stops for this concert and provides us with an interesting and varied programme. I imagine that there will be one or two pieces by Manuel Moya Pomares included on this occasion.
PS My photos of Tomas (the director of the band) from the 2010 concert are still attracting attention – the three photos have had 954 visitors so far – most them in the last few weeks.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Your moment of fame
Whilst I was down at the Auditorium making my photos, this young lady spotted me and came over to ask if she could have a photograph taken. Of course I was happy to oblige and here is the result.
I don’t know her name but I think I have taken her picture before when she took part in the floral parade during the August Fiesta.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Teresa García Belmonte
For those of you who haven’t had the opportunity to visit the Auditorium in Bigastro to see the work of this incredibly talented lady, I have posted an album of photos of her designs here.
Opening the doors to buyers
If you have income of 2,100 euros a month and you want to live in Spain, then you can apply for temporary residency.
To be a normal resident you should spend six months in Spain. However, if you are an investor your stays can be as little as one month in the first ear and two in the second year. There are three ways you can qualify for this exception; by purchasing property of over 500,000 euros, by making a capital transfer of over a million or by running a company with more than 30 employees.
The government now want to extend the benefit of residency to those who simply buy a property here.
Clearly, the government are keen to shift some of the houses that were built during the boom years and see this is a way to do that. The deal is that you buy a property at over 160,000 euros and you will be granted temporary residency to live here in Spain.
There will be provisos; anyone with a criminal record in Spain or the country they live in will not be granted residency and those that qualify must have private medical insurance.
Getting your meds
List of pharmacies open in Bigastro during the strike.
- MONDAY: Martinez Grau - C / Purisima 38.
- TUESDAY: Antonio Medina Lorenzo - C / Aureliano Diaz 25
- WEDNESDAY: Raquel Medina Manzano - C / Goya 7
NB They may be open other days as well.
And here is a link to the pharmacies that are open late night for emergencies.
Monday, November 19, 2012
It’s affecting my photography
All this rain and bad weather is keeping us indoors a lot more than normal. Those of you who check out my Flickr album will have noticed how many of my recent pictures were taken indoors.
I much prefer to be outside taking pictures especially street scenes – the last time I took one of those was in Norfolk when we visited our friends, Glenys and Peter and then in Manchester with my son-in-law Dave.
It looks like we will have a few pleasant days before the clouds roll back in on Thursday. I must make an effort to get out with my camera whilst I can!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
A real nightmare
Living next to a building site that works normal hours would be bad enough but living close to one that works all night must be a living hell.
The work on the high speed railway line through Orihuela is causing major problems for the neighbours. The contractors are supposed to work between 8 in the morning and 10pm at night but can carry on later than that if the particular job has to be completed.
It seems they are taking liberties about which tasks need to be completed and are working regularly until 5am. Even when they are not at work, the generators and lights are left on all night.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
A different viewpoint
The socialist party in Bigastro, in a press conference yesterday, criticised the mayor, Charo Bañuls by saying that the dismissal of dozens of council employees had actually increased the municipal debt because of the compensation they had to pay.
Raúl Valerio Medina cited the 70,000 euros paid to the cleaners and the 200,000 euros owed to the ex-employees at the nursery school, Bigastrin. He went on to say that they didn’t yet know how much compensation would have to be paid to the other 30 workers who had also been dismissed.
The socialist group also took the opportunity to criticise the way that services in the town had been cut for example in sport, culture, adult education and the closure of the 24 hours emergency department at the medical centre. In fact, according to the socialists, the only area where cuts have not been made is in the salaries that the PP councillors pay themselves.
Medina accuses the PP of scaremongering, a tactic which he says is designed to instil fear into the local people. He claims that, talk of bankruptcy and of the savings that need to be made, have misled people into accepting drastic cuts. For his part, the councillor for finance, Antonio Gonzalez claims to have made savings of half a million euros.
Medina may argue that the cuts made may not have been the right way to go about turning around the finances of Bigastro but he cannot deny that drastic measures had to be taken given the enormous debt the town faced. You can’t help but wonder just what the socialists would have done if they had been returned to power.
Santa Cecilia – coming up
There are several important concerts that the Society Union Musical Bigastro perform each year in the town; the Christmas concert, the concert for Father’s Day in March, the concert for Corpus Christi in June, the concert for San Joaquin in August and finally the concert for Santa Cecilia in November. Of course they perform other concerts as well and take part in many parades during the year.
The Santa Cecilia concert celebrates the patron saint of musicians. It is also the time when the band welcomes its new members.
PS Note to my neighbour Pepe who is President of the band – thank you for including many of my photos in the program for this year.
I will be there with my camera in hand to capture the parade by the Junior Band on Thursday 22nd, the concert on the 24th and the parade and mass on the 25th.