Sunday, December 23, 2012

Thank you Charles

My reader Charles Smythe replies to my item about rising fuel costs:

Poor you... how are you going to get through the winter living in fuel poverty like that?
You are number 300.001 according to this article:
Better sell your Canon EOS 7D body (which according to is presently selling at 1,249€ )
Are you yet accepting personal food donations?

Although it was very kind of him to offer a food donation, I did not care for his suggestion that I should sell off one of my camera bodies. At least he picked the APSC body rather than the full frame one! 

PS Charles, could you include a bottle of Krug Clos d’Ambonnay 1995 in that hamper because it is good to have a decent bottle of fizz to start Christmas Day off.

PPS My wife asks if it is possible to stop Charles from commenting. I could but then I’d loose my spellchecker.

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