Wednesday, March 23, 2016

A great honour

On Sunday, after the meal, the President of the Sociedad Unión Musical de Bigastro gave me this tie clip which features the ornament from the town square.

He told me that, later on, the band will be presenting me with one of their pins which are a mark of membership normally reserved for musicians who play for them. Those who have been to the Corpus Christi concerts will have seen the musicians joining the band having one pinned on them.

Of course, I do not play for the band. I can't even play a penny whistle never mind a proper instrument.

What I do though, is take photos and more recently record audio for them. My earliest photos date back to about 2005 so I have an archive of 11 years which show the development of the band and the concerts they have played. We are talking hundreds if not thousands of photos.

I feel greatly honoured that SUMB have chosen to recognise my contribution in this way. May our association continue for many years to come.

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