Monday, April 07, 2008

Your own web site

Have you ever wanted to create your own web site? Perhaps you run a small business that you would like to advertise on the Internet.

There are several ways that you can do this. Traditionally you would buy a program to help you design your pages and then upload them to your web space. Or you might learn HTML language to write your own code. For example; my web site, "Moving to Spain" (linked to in the sidebar), was created using Dreamweaver MX and then uploaded to a free area of web space from using Ace FTP. All the pictures and graphics were worked on in Photoshop. As you can imagine, it was a time consuming process that required a lot of learning and a considerable amount of trial and error - enough to put most people off!

The CompeTIC program, in collaboration with the Council of Promotion will help you achieve a similar result free of charge. In less than 15 minutes you can, with the help of technicians of CompeTIC, have your own Web page Web live on the Internet.

Just go down to the Ayuntamiento or call them on 96 535 00 00 Ext. 132 to subscribe.

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