Thursday, April 09, 2009

IES Miguel Hernandez to expand

The Councillor for Education and the Mayor of Bigastro held a press conference to announce approval by the Conselleria of Education for an extension to the Institute of Secondary Education “Miguel Hernandez” in Bigastro.

With an approximate budget of 2.700.000 €, they are going to build an extra 10 classrooms to expand the facilities of the school.

Mª Councilman Dolores Andreu explained that Bigastro provides education services for all its citizens from 4 months to 18 years, and in addition provides permanent education for adults. The Mayor, D. Raul Valerio Medina said that the news of the extension and the project for the future will position Bigastro as one of the municipalities of the Region and the Province with the best educative facilities.

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