Saturday, April 04, 2009

Well done Mel

At the AGM, Mel Leach promised that he and Ron Hawes would continue to pursue several issues of concern to residents at Villas Andrea.

Pauline Foat suggested a meeting with the mayor. With Diane Clarkson to interpret, Mel met with the Mayor, Raúl Valerio Medina Lorente and the first lieutenant, Inmaculada Martínez García who agreed the following:-

1. A meeting has been arranged with the Ayuntamiento for the 15th April. Present will be the mayor, deputy mayor, engineers dept, along with a solicitor for the Town Hall. Pressure will then be put on Star Sol to start work to repair the walls and gardens of the affected houses*.

2. The digger on Calle Cañada de Andrea will be removed on April 17th.

3. The mayor and deputy also informed Mel that there will be a general clean up of the whole town following Easter.

An excellent result which I am sure will please all.

* Star Sol were taken to court over this issue by one of the residents. Star Sol lost the case but made an appeal. They then lost the appeal but so far have failed to start work on the necessary repairs.

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