Thursday, March 30, 2006

Not de rigour

Just been down to collect the post and get some money from the bank. Today is of course market day when a lot of our neighbours go down to buy their vegetables and have a look around at the bargains.

They are not difficult to spot! The shorts, t-shirts and sandals are a real give away. The locals still have cardigans and jackets on or at least a long sleeve shirt, trousers and sensible shoes. Even though it might feel warm to Northern Europeans it is cold to those with Mediterranean blood. If they started wearing shorts and t-shirts now what would they wear in August?

I have to admit though yesterday I was sunbathing in the garden most of the afternoon. Even went into the pool for a dip. At 25 degrees in the shade it was hot enough to get a tan. The pool was about 20 degrees which is OK once you have got used to it.

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