Wednesday, March 16, 2022

A dire warning

 Over the years I have read sorry stories of people who have been robbed from their cars at the airport. added to which, my neighbour had items stolen from his car when he was outside the ferreteria in Los Montesinos.  

The modus operandi is similar in every case - one person distracts you sufficient to make you get out of your car and whilst you are out of the car, an accomplice steals the goods from inside your car.

Yesterday, after Pam and I had been shopping at Food Co in Quesada, I loaded the bags into the boot, put my man bag on the back seat and sat in the car whilst Pam returned the trolley. 

As I sat waiting, a man approached the front of my car and was pointing towards the front wheel. He said there was a problem. Without thinking, I got out to investigate what he was talking about leaving the car unlocked. 

Whilst I was distracted, his accomplice stole my man bag from the back seat. In the bag were my wallet with all my cards (bank cards, TIE residencia card, SIP health card, driving licence etc,),  mobile phone, keys to the house, spare glasses and the documents for the car. 

It was only when Pam returned and we drove off that I realised what had happened.  

I've cancelled the bank cards and locked my phone remotely which hopefully will prevent its use. It was protected by a six digit pin in any case. Before I managed to block the cards, they had already tried and failed to use my La Caixa credit card. Using the location app. I can see that my phone is in Alicante where it has been taken to three different addresses. 

So, for their efforts, the scumbags will hopefully end up with the 50 euro note that was in my wallet and nothing else that is of use to them.  In the meantime, I have to make a denuncia to the Civil Guard, get the insurance company to change the locks on my house and then proceed to replace all those missing items. 

Just to make things more complicated, my mobile phone number is used as secondary identification for online banking etc etc. I can't even have a telephone consultation with the doctor without it. 


vv said...

Very sorry to read of your misfortune, Keith. It destroys your faith in humankind and, as you describe, causes so much pain and inconvenience. Hope you get everthng sorted out asap.

Pete said...

Ah man, that blows! You'd think with all those years in North Liverpool you'd have learnt a thing or two. Bastards.