Monday, January 19, 2009

A comment on my blog

I received this comment from Maria who teaches Spanish in Bigastro. A number of people from Villas Andrea go to Maria for lessons and speak very highly of her.

Hola Keith.
Te escribo en español porque sé que estás aprendiendo el idioma. Me llamo María y soy profesora de español de Bigastro. Hace algo más de un año, creo, te escribí para felicitarte por tu blog. De nuevo, enhorabuena!! Me encanta ver que hay extranjeros que se preocupan tanto por la vida en España y que se involucran con el día a día de Bigastro. Gracias por tu valiosa labor. Siempre que puedo leo tu blog.

Un saludo,


Maria also speaks perfect English and so can read my blog. I am glad that she enjoys what she reads and thank her for her kind comment.

As I have said before, I originally wrote the blog to keep in touch with our friends and relatives back in England - let them know how we are going on so to speak.

Now, it seems, there are many people living in Spain who also read my daily accounts. I understand that some of them even encourage their relatives in England to drop in to keep up-to-date with the goings on here in Bigastro.

A lot of the material for my posts comes from local papers online and from the excellent official Bigastro web site that is run by Germán Martín for the Dpto. Tecnología Ayto Bigastro. I am very grateful to Germán for his help and encouragement and for publishing my photographs on his site. I must apologise to the local papers for plagerising their material and more to the point for any mistakes I make in translation.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Good morning,
I will be in Bigastro from the 26th of july until the 16th of august and would like to learm more of Spanish in the mornings. Could you put me in touch with Maria ?
My email :

Thank you very much.
