Friday, May 30, 2014

Entrega de notas

DSC01463 Yesterday, we had the presentation of certificates to those students who had attended adult classes this year.

In the past, the teachers were paid to do the work but since the economic crisis, the town has relied on volunteers.

On the left are two of the town’s councillors along with the lady mayor.

On the right are the volunteers to whom we owe a great debt of gratitude.

The man in the group is Antonio who has taught our little group Spanish.
DSC01465 After the presentation, there was a table groaning with food and drink for us to enjoy.

One of the Spanish ladies from the new readers class class made this magnificent cake which was every bit as tasty as it looked.

Well over half of the students were Moroccan ladies keen to hone their language skills.

In comparison, there were only four English students to be presented with certificates and one of them was from nearby Jacarilla. 

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