Thursday, March 22, 2018

More about the Certamen

The band competition that Bigastro is participating in is divided into sections according to the number of musicians.

Bigastro competes in the popular 2nd sections which is for bands between 51 and 70 in number. Bands are allowed to recruit up to 5 musicians who do not normally play in the band but these must not be playing with the other bands from that section.

Each band will play three pieces including a work of free choice which must have a maximum duration of 22 and a minimum of 12 minutes. The set piece for the 2nd Section is Pumpkins by Juan Gonzalo Gómez Deval.

The members of the jury will each score points out of ten for each piece played  and then prizes will be awarded as follows:

1st PRIZE: To the bands that obtain from 320 to 400 points. 2nd PRIZE: To the bands that obtain from 260 to 319 points. 3rd PRIZE: To the bands that obtain from 200 to 259 points.

An honourable mention will be awarded to the band that achieves the highest score among those who have obtained the first prize. So what we are hoping for is a 1st prize and honourable mention which is what we obtained last time in Alicante.

All the bands participating in the second section are awarded 4,200 euros to cover expenses including transport.

In addition,  the band that earns the honourable mention will be awarded the prize of 2,500 euros.

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