Saturday, July 05, 2008

Calling all saxophonists

The Council of Culture in Bigastro has organised a course at the Auditorium “Francisco Grau” from the 9th to the 13th of September for 20 students to work with three eminent professors to improve their skills on the saxophone.


- CHRISTIAN WIRTH: Professor of the Conservatory XIII “Maurice Ravel” in Paris, Professor of the European University of Saxaphone GAP and Professor of the Havanan Academy Poitiers.

- HILOMI SAKAGUCHI: Professor CNR “Thibaud Checks” of Bordeaux, Professor of piano accompaniment at the Havanan academy, Poitiers and Professor of piano accompaniment at the Conservatori Superior de les Illes Balears.

- RODRIGO VILA: Professor of Saxophone and Música de Contemporary Cámara at the Conservatori Superior de les Illes Balears.

To get more information about this course download this file. To enrol download

this form.

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