Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Fiesta time

Once you get your copy of the programme for the Fiesta, you'll be able to see the full itinerary of events planned.


Just some snippets to whet your appetite:

Saturday 9th August 9pm The coronation of the Fiesta queens including the Third Age Queen and King.

Sunday 10th August 9:3pm A parade of the Christian group Caballeros del Cid from Bigastro and the Moors group Los Contrabandistas from Denia.

Monday 11th August 9pm An exhibition of equestrian skills on the plot in front of MEM.

Tuesday 12th August The children's parade.

Wednesday 13th August 2pm The Gastronomic Journey in the Plaza de la Concordia

9pm Parade of Comparsas through the streets. This is the one where the participants get soaked as people in the flats on Calle Purisima throw water over them.

Thursday 14th August 7:30pm Floral offerings to San Joaquín followed by mass in the Plaza de la Constitución.

Friday 15th August 9pm Spectacular parade of comparsas.

Saturday 16th August 8:30pm Solemn procession around the streets of Bigastro followed by a magnificent firework display.

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