Monday, November 10, 2008

Consistency and security is more important than speed

I received this comment about the item I wrote about LANS, WANS and MANS

Networking's future appears to stay focused on achieving higher speeds, even though our data rates already do everything we want. The real goal is to get that speed to everyone, and do it in a secure environment.

I'm no expert on these matters but I know a man who is and I'm sure he would agree with you whole heartedly.

Since I upgraded to 10Mb (megabits not bytes) which effectively comes down to 8.5Mbs, I have only been aware of the full potential speed on a couple of occasions. For example, I recently downloaded an 86MB file in just under a minute and a half averaging just less than a megabyte per minute in the process.

On other occasions I might just as well have a 1Mb connection. Bottlenecks and contention ratios etc bring my speed down to the same as everyone else.

From what I understand, those who use wi-fi to connect a laptop to the inernet are "over egging the pudding" with a 54Mb connection to a 3Mb ADSL line.

There is a similar problem with digital cameras where the thrust is to pack more and more megapixels onto tiny sensors. The result is an increase in digital noise which kind of negates the increased resolution because the noise mars the detail in the pictures produced.

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