Sunday, January 18, 2009

Spring is on its way

It is the time of the year when folks start to think about preparations for summer. With the cold months of winter behind people take stock of themselves. The Third Age Aerobic class has started again and the indoor pool is open again as follows:-

Mornings 9:30 to 1pm Mondays to Saturdays

Afternoons 4pm until 10om Mondays to Fridays

Using an outdoor  pool (unless it is heated) is out of the question - you'd need a double skinned wetsuit to stand the cold. The indoor pool is a much better proposition for those wanting to tone up.

1 comment:

Marien said...

Hola Keith.
Te escribo en español porque sé que estás aprendiendo el idioma. Me llamo María y soy profesora de español de Bigastro. Hace algo más de un año, creo, te escribí para felicitarte por tu blog. De nuevo, enhorabuena!! Me encanta ver que hay extranjeros que se preocupan tanto por la vida en España y que se involucran con el día a día de Bigastro. Gracias por tu valiosa labor. Siempre que puedo leo tu blog.

Un saludo,
