Friday, August 07, 2009


I have to confess that I do have a Facebook account and so does Pamela. In our defence, we only signed up because our daughters and their friends have accounts. Facebook allows us to keep up with their lives and see the photographs they post.

You do have to put up with a lot of “girlie” type chat on Facebook; “how u hun?” and “wot u doin 2nite”. There is also an element of rudeness between people and a fair smattering of cryptic messaging e.g. “I’m feeling sad today….” with no explanation of why.

Perhaps what we need is a social network site for the older surfer – I’d call it Facewrinkle. There we could discuss important stuff like, which angina tablets work best, how long does it take to get over a hip replacement, what is the matter with Britain today etc.

We would have to write in proper English otherwise our accounts would be closed and we wouldn’t bother with all those silly quizzes and games that litter Facebook. A little discreet photo retouching would be allowed but lying about your age would be taboo.

You know, the more I think about it, the more I can see it working.

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