Thursday, November 22, 2007

Clamping down

Apparently 0.12% of motorists in Spain (30,000) never formally learnt how to drive. Whilst thirty years ago this was overlooked, from the 1 of May; refusal to obtain a proper licence, failure to renew outdated licenses, ignoring temporary suspensions or loss of all of their points will incur either three to six months in jail or a substantial fine for errant drivers. They may also be forced to have meetings with victims of accidents.

These measures are introduced after the six month moratorium which followed the introduction of the new Penal Code.

Driving at 110kms per hour in cities, 180 on highways or 200 on motorways will result in a jail sentence of up to five years and a suspension from driving of up to 10 years. Similar sentences will be passed for drivers with 1.2 grams of alcohol per litre of blood or who are found to be driving under the influence of drugs.

Most of the sentences of less than two years where no one is inured and there is no personal damage will be replaced by enforced meetings with the victims of traffic accidents or the families of deceased.

The Act also penalises drivers who refuse to take test for alcohol levels or drug detection. Refusal will carry a one year prison sentence.

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