Friday, February 13, 2009

Our class

These are the people in our Spanish class yesterday.

On the front row, starting from the left, we have three Ukrainian ladies, and the newest member who is from Russia and then two Moroccans on the right. Behind, on the second row, we have the British contingent with a further two on the back row. Unfortunately Gillian and Wendy arrived after the photo had been taken.


We are all deep in study because we had just been given 'El Viaje Definitivo', a poem by Juan Ramón Jiminéz, to read. The poem contains a lot of verbs in the future tense which we had to identify and then change from the imperfect future to the form ir + a + infinitive.

We were then asked to write the things that Jiminéz was going to 'echar de menos' when he was dead. If you translate that phrase word for word it means to 'throw of less' what it really means though is 'to miss'.

What we surely won't miss are the complications of learning this language!

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