Friday, June 04, 2010

Helping people to quit the habit


As one of our classmates reminded me, last Monday was the International Day without Tobacco. She said that just as I was filling my pipe which meant it was too late for me.

To celebrate this initiative, the Council of Health  organised a display at the weekly market on Thursday where they offered advice about the consequences of smoking and help for those who wanted to quit.

In the top picture you can see the Councillor for Health, Isidro Ricart and the Mayor of Bigastro, Raúl Valerio Medina.


Councillor Ricart says that many bigastrenses want to stop smoking and,  after taking a test “in situ” that measured the percentage of nicotine in their lungs, they were aware of just how much smoking was affecting them.

In order to motivate and help these people to quit the  habit, visitors to the stall were given treats in exchange for cigarettes.

I’m not sure how much of a treat would have been acceptable in exchange for one of my favourite pipes but I do take the point.

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