Tuesday, December 19, 2006

End of term

We went to the infants' school, La Paz, to sing our carols and were greeted by the Headteacher who recognised Pam and I from last year. Although our numbers were depleted i.e. there were only five of us, we held our own and treated the children to some traditional English cheer.

After refreshments at La Paz, we returned to the classroom where we have our lessons for even more refreshments.

Ana, our teacher presented us with our certificates for this term. We were very pleased to get Muy Bien for all categories again along with the following comments:-

Gracias por trabajar tanto y alegrar las clases
which means "thank you for working so much and for cheering the classes"

Trabajas mucho y bien, ahora esfuerzate en hablar un poco mas
which means "you work a lot and well, now you need to make the effort to speak a little more"

Ana then gave us all presents; a pen and pencil set from the Town Hall along with candle sets for the ladies and pen and calculator sets for the men from her.

We are so lucky to have such a good teacher to help us learn our new language.

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