Wednesday, September 16, 2015

You do wonder

The Daily Mail puts a different slant on the migration crisis. Whilst other newspapers take a passionate view of the plight of the thousands of hopefuls who queue up at Europe's borders hoping to be let in, the Mail talks of fake asylum seekers and even ISIS members who are hoping to slip the net.

In several articles, the Mail describes the various ploys used including losing papers to travelling with fake passports. Apparently there is a roaring trade in Syrian passports some of which have been stolen from genuine Syrians. One young man claims in a Mail article that only 30% of those that arrived in Germany were actually Syrians and David Cameron has apparently been warned that 3 out of 10 refugees could be members of ISIS.

Suspicion is bound to be aroused when you see pictures of well dressed young men with mobile phones, fewer women and children  and hardly any older people. Obviously it is only those with money that can afford to pay traffickers, the less well off are still either in Syria or in camps in neighbouring countries like Lebanon. That in itself poses a dilemma because how is Syria going to ever revive itself if all the educated, young professionals have relocated to other countries. The notion that they may someday return to rebuild their country may be far fetched once they have tasted the good life in countries like Germany and Sweden.

When Germany said that it would welcome asylum seekers, that message must have been relayed around the countless thousands who were en route. When Hungary transported them by bus and train to Austria their hopes of reaching Germany or Sweden were raised. Far from the numbers that Merkel was talking of, within a day thousands were knocking at Germany's door which has now had to be closed. It is unrealistic to expect any country to suddenly have the mechanism to process and rehouse the numbers that are involved. If Germany could not do it, then there is little hope for any other European country.

In the case of Spain, it seems that very few actually want to come here so there may not be a problem for us. Just as well because if towns like Bigastro rely upon Red Cross to provide food for those who currently live here, how can they hope to help an influx of Syrian refugees?

I suppose the bottom line is that, whilst we have enormous sympathy for those who are genuinely trying to escape war, we would be foolish to simply open the doors and let all comers enter. Our sense of humanity could end up being the ruin of society in Europe. Whatever stance you take on this issue is going to be wrong.

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